Zetta Equinox

The Shadowed Seductress



Trigger Warning: Mentions of various forms of abuse, human trafficking, murder.

“I remember darkness. Such a severe pitch black that it felt like you were endlessly ensnared in the abyss. There was no day, there was no night, only a sense of time standing still. I couldn’t see my hands in front of my face. I couldn’t see the binds that held me against the cold, stone wall. I couldn’t see anything except the vicious, everlasting void. I often wondered while sitting on the freezing, unforgiving floor; how did I end up here? Then the dim light of a lantern would once again grant me my sight; the soft rattle of chains filling the all but silent room as I lifted my hands to discover, with painful precision, the darkness that had escaped the room had not escaped myself.”

Deep in the depths of the Ul’dah desert, in a building which few ever ventured to, crept the money-hungry mongrels of a trafficking empire. The scum of Eorzea, as Zetta ever-so-lovingly called them. The building was nothing too fancy, a small, abandoned tavern that had faced far more than its share of wear and tear, but it was what was beneath the building that made it important. The truly important part of the building was the trapdoor behind the bar, hidden beneath a barrel that led to a ladder, and said ladder led to a darkened, spider-infested tunnel. Then, for those wicked enough to venture through the winding passage, there were the prison-like cells. This place was far from a humble tavern.In reality, the tavern was a cover for a criminal organization that kidnapped, raised, and sold beautiful and “unique” women to the wealthy upper-class. Zetta was one of said “unique creations.” Born from their long project of mixing kidnapped Viera with Au’ra men, Zetta was separated from her mother immediately at birth due to the genetic mutation which gave her Au’ra horns while retaining most of the Viera features. The baby was raised in a cold, grungy, confined room to best monitor and protect her from what the criminals deemed as dangerous behavior, such as communicating with those who had been taken. At the age of 13 Zetta’s gender was proven to be female, thus spiraling her captors into a whole new craze of wishing to fill their pockets to the utmost amount.For the next 6 years of her life, she was trained to be their image of perfection through any means they deemed fit. While she suffered through the extensive, often abusive requests, the criminals launched a marketing campaign. They dubbed their next exotic accomplishment as the “Shadowed Seductress,” often going on and on about the qualities of her appearance and etiquette alike. They talked to merchant after merchant, each one offering a higher price than the last until finally they were given their highest, most profitable gil offer. Zetta was exchanged over to the merchant within the month.Life with the merchant was... Different, compared to what she was used to. Zetta had free rein to the inside of the house but never outside of it, not that she complained much about such at the beginning. The merchant already had four mistresses, each one more ‘normal’ than the last: Two Miqo’te women and two Hyur women. They all shared one common trait which was an absolute surprise that the man had brought home an abomination to wed instead of one of them. The supposed insult carried with them, leaving lingering envy that only grew with the merchant’s treatment of the hybrid. She was given a nicely decorated room, plenty of jewelry and fancy attire, all while often receiving the most attention. Though, what the women didn’t know was that this attention Zetta received was far from good. It started off with small judgments of her outfits, a tweak here and there. Sometimes it was the occasional comment about her appearance and how odd her horns appeared to others. It only evolved day by day until the hybrid would be in tears no matter what she wore, no matter how much she tried to hide her differences. It was the escalating verbal abuse that slowly filtered into physical abuse and when she first earned cuts as a result of not putting on a good enough attitude for the guests, she met the household alchemist.The alchemist was a great contrast to the other people in the household for Zetta. He was a kind, old Elezen man who often regaled the hybrid with tales of his journeys over the years and all the places he’d explored while curing her wounds and preventing her scarring. For a woman so sheltered from the outside world, it sounded so grand, so wondrous, like heaven just out of her reach. She yearned for such freedom in which she could go where ever she pleased, away from the constant confines of her life. After the woman expressed her vivid interest in the study, the elezen man began to teach her alchemy. This would prove to be the first step towards her escape.Day after day as her treatment by both the merchant and his mistresses got worse, Zetta took to alcohol as her coping mechanism. Each day she’d have about 2 or 3 glasses of an alcoholic drink at minimum, only adding more and more as the trauma piled up. Eventually, she had begun to add small amounts of poison to her drinks. She started off with incredibly small versions, then when her body began to build immunity she began to increase the dosage. The poison was a part of her escape plan she so desperately needed, but she didn’t realize just how desperately until she hit a breaking point.It was the day before a grand event that the merchant beat Zetta to near death. She was hauled off to the alchemist shortly after the blows finally ended, who she had never seen so concerned. After she was cleaned up the hybrid was met with a new, odd feeling that overtook her: A need for revenge. So, with her normally cold eyes blazing with infernal flames, she minded her own business until the night of the event. There at dinner, she added a killing dose of poison she was immune to her own drink and sat in wait. It didn’t take long for the merchant to brag about how docile she was, about how helpless she was when he’d found her and how she could do no harm. Zetta sat there playing innocent as his own words twisted the guest’s minds. As all eyes were on her, she took a sip of her drink, then offered her ‘wonderful’ husband a sip. He was dead on the table within minutes, much to the shock of everyone at the table. It was believed he’d died of natural causes, perhaps choked on his food, for how could it have been anything else?The merchant had no heirs, so as his only legal wife Zetta gained all his money, much to the devastation of the mistresses. They tried to blame Zetta for the merchant’s death, screaming that the ‘Shadowed Seductress’ had finally proven to fully be a monster. No one important believed them. The hybrid made off with the money and ran, never sparing a look back at the fouled place. The first sight she saw upon her exit into the outside world was the star-filled sky, proving to be the utmost comfort to her as she went on the very beginning of her journies. Ever since that fateful day Zetta’s journeyed far and wide with whoever she could, learning all sorts of languages and trades. No one could stop her from doing whatever she wanted as she ran from her demons, from her past. To this day she continues her travels and her odd methods, collecting likes and dislikes, braving new enemies with each one more challenging than the last. Except she keeps facing the problems she’s run from time and time again, slowly realizing that she’ll have to face the music before it kills her.

Character Information

  • Name: Zetta Equinox

  • Age: 103

  • Race: Half Viera (Rava), and half Au'Ra (Xaela)

  • Height: 6 fulms, 1 ilm

  • Weight: 154 ponze

  • Gender: Female

  • Pronouns: She/Her

  • Orientation: Heterosexual

  • Alignment: Chaotic Good

  • Voice Claim: Eris, Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas

Physical Appearance

  • Her hair is black in coloration with faint turquoise highlights. Her eyes are an icy blue and contrast her dark complexion. Turquoise freckles softly dot her upper cheeks while being careful to avoid the bridge of her nose. Her lipstick, always black, slightly shines in the light as a result of the gloss constantly overtop of it. Tattoos can be seen across her body, most commonly a bluish-white hue. Horns jut from her head but they are entirely deaf, and as Zetta likes to put it, "only serve the purpose of making me feel like an outcast among outcasts."


  • Zetta, often sheepish and anxious at first, is a woman of her own devices. With a clear disregard to society and its "norms" she often finds herself cheerfully in the worst of places-- Whether that be in a dark, crime-filled alley or being forced to have a cup of tea with nobility, the first being the much-preferred choice in her mind. As much as she cares for other people and their wellbeing, she's no stranger to turning a blind eye when the law is broken or things take an unexpectedly dark twist. She values her freedom above all else and won't hesitate to get physical if she feels her freedom is threatened. Her mental health is often haunted by the words of her past leading to potential chaotic breakdowns every now and then.


Normal Hooks

The Unknown

  • An adventurer, perhaps? Zetta has a strong love of all things unknown whether that be unexplored lands or untaught subjects, she's constantly looking to learn and potentially teach! The hybrid herself is an avid explorer and there's rarely a time she isn't prepared to go on about her adventures.

Birds of a Feather

  • Due to Zetta's oddly dark complexion, she gravitates toward individuals with similar unique traits. It doesn't matter if this is darkened skin like that of her own or simply a beautiful tattoo, she's intrigued!

What's in the Bag?

  • Zetta carries around a satchel in which she keeps her valuables, ranging from books she reads on her journeys to odd items she treasures with all her heart. If you touch the satchel, expect a stern talking to, but if you manage to get an odd item from it before she whacks your hand away prepare for her to explain everything she's willing to about it!

The Finer Things in Life

  • Books, art, and food, this Viera is fond of all things on the finer side. She loves sharing a good read with like-minded, book-obsessed individuals just as much as she loves staring at beautiful paintings and both eating and making delicious food. Nothing is off the table when you come to her for poetry, artwork, or simply a bite to eat.

Darker Hooks

Crime! What of it?

  • A certain someone, not naming any names but Zetta, often finds themselves around the criminal type of individuals. Do you have some sort of sketchy involvement where you need someone who'll vouch as your alibi? Zetta's carefree attitude and severe lack of respect for the law will have her gladly spinning false tales in your favor.

Old Habits Die Hard

  • Ever an alcoholic, Zetta will listen to anyone who offers her more of the toxic liquid. She's an addict in denial and often lashes out at anyone who tells her how bad the trait may be, no matter how close they are to her.

Hybrid Scum

  • There are those that dislike Zetta's blood. It's not purely one race and her appearance is an evident fact of such-- Some people even might mistake her for a voidsent individual. Regardless, Zetta faces a lot of hatred for her appearance. Take this as you will to either join in with the hate or compliment her.

The Dark Arts

  • Alchemy is this woman's specialty. Having studied the craft for over 80 years she knows a thing or two about making potions, whether these be simple and good potions or far deadlier, more complex substances. It's rumored that Zetta has been perfecting her craft so that potions with high aether requirements need far less or none at all, making it easier for those with easy aether sickness. Though, if you truly wish to inquire, be ready to pay a price.

Plague of the Mind

  • Trauma constantly clouds the motives and thoughts of Zetta as she struggles to cope with her past. The true extent of what happened to her only had time to brew and worsen over the last 60 years until now her walls are built so fortified she doesn't trust many at all. Don't be surprised if Zetta flinches away from your touch or keeps far too many secrets.

OOC Information

Zetta Equinox | Mateus

  • Hi! Writer here. I go by she/her pronouns and roleplay with 18+ roleplayers.

  • Please respect my boundaries and keep OOC and IC separate.

  • Feel free to reach out to plan something with my OC, I'm always up for a chat. Discord can be provided upon request for either in-game or discord roleplay.

  • My timezone is EST, I am most available in the later hours of the day.

  • As a note of reference, I suffer from ADHD. What does this mean in this context? I get distracted very easily when typing so I apologize in advance if I take a while to do so.


Please be aware my themes are not limited to these, if you wish to roleplay a theme not currently listed feel free to discuss it with me!

AdventureNSFW (18+)Death
FriendshipCombatJoke OC's
Dark/Mature Themes  

Newest at the bottom! ♡